Choral Skills Training

Singing in a choir can be an exhilarating experience. No longer a single voice, you are part of something bigger and greater than the sum of its parts. Choirs are capable of creating truly magnificent tapestries of sound!


Adding your voice to a chorus is empowering and thrilling. However, proper technique is sometimes overlooked when work is done with Choristers. It’s no wonder, as there is quite a lot for the director to do and not much time to do it in!

Learning the music is only the first step. Blending, vowels, diction, tuning, rhythm and dynamics all usually have to be addressed to prepare for performances. For some, these concepts are all thoroughly understood but hard to produce without causing vocal strain, fatigue and tightness in the throat. Most choristers know what they need to do, but don’t know how to do it safely. It’s not uncommon for choir members to report vocal fatigue and even hoarseness after long rehearsals.

What we work on:

We will address proper breathing and breath control, correct vowel formation, body alignment and jaw, tongue and throat tension and how to alleviate it. In addition, the proper and comfortable placement of high notes will be addressed, especially for sopranos and tenors.