Musicianship Training

Sight-singing, Ear training and Musicianship:

I can assure you that the ability to sight sing is within reach! Many people feel intimidated by the prospect, but it is not as hard as you may think. You do not need a degree in music or the ability to play another instrument to be a successful sight-singer.

Having trouble hearing your harmony or tuning that chord or even picking up your vocal line and matching the pitch exactly? You are not alone and it is certainly not hopeless! The ear CAN be trained, all it takes is practice. This type of work can be particularly rewarding! You will be amazed at how quickly the ear sensitizes itself through the exercises.

To be successful in music, you’ll want to understand it’s language. We’ll learn the fundamentals of music including basic knowledge of the keyboard, learning about key and time signatures, basic chords and note reading.

What we work on:

In sight-singing, we’ll work with the Sol-fege system (moveable Do). You’ll learn to identify and sing intervals, finding notes using relative pitch (no perfect pitch required!). Another element we’ll spend time on is accurately reading rhythms and ‘scanning’ (singing your part using only the words toned on a single note in rhythm). Eventually you’ll start to recognize patterns at a glance (so you’ll be able to read even faster!)